Wednesday, December 26, 2012

happy tuesday holiday

i love tuesdays.
(only lately)
after the blue monday, holiday on tuesday is really welcomed.
we planned for all sorts of things for this tuesday.
like, going to sungai to play water.
but after subuh, the beds seemed like a better idea.

in the end, the plan landed in typical shopping mall.
but this time,
 Ayra got to walk around by herself, while Mommy held the tali.
we bought a safety harness for her.
we bought the Butterfly Safety Harness from Mothercare. by
she looks just so damn cute.
she got so excited with her two little feet.
she ran lari lari anak playing in the games area.
i watched her all the time,
afraid she might fall
or some kid push her
or step over her.
it is very2 worrying to let her play by herself.
and she is becoming oh so active.
i dont know about other parents..
ayra can NEVER sit still especially during meal.
if we dine in restaurant,
we have to take turns eating and one of us have to watch over her.
she cannot sit in baby chair.
she refuses to!
she would climb on the table.
wanted to pick every single thing on the table.
copy what we do
touch every thing,
but not eating that much.
and she speaks a lot.
well, babbles a lot.
she's probably speaking in the Elves' language like in The Hobbit.
when we see other kids about her age dining together,
elok je senyap..
they are well behaved.
sopan santun.
why ah??


  1. Khayla can't sit still too, Arina ! She will keep quiet while she eats but as soon as she's full she would try to climb out of the baby chair and run all over the place, touching everything !

    I sure hope this is a phase she will grow out of.

  2. haha...been there..but still there.huhu
    Izzul pun cannot sit still.Never Fit or I enjoy dining together. Not even during buka puasa.
    But at least ayra makan kan?Izzul takmo.prefer to explore around

  3. Dun worry..Khalish too, refuse to sit in the baby chair. he'll scream loud until someone dukung him and let him out so he can!!!

    It is tiring and, yes, we cant really enjoy the food :P

    Aunt Jem (yg bercakap ala2 dia ada baby..hehe)

  4. Hahah.. very2 relieving to know we are not alone.
    sometimes takut pulak ayra ada ADHD.
    seriously she cannot sit still. there's always something she wants to touch, to do, to see, to taste, to whateva.
    it is soo tiring and at times, mancabar kesabaran. hehe
    thank u all..
    ada baby or tak.. yg penting experience tu ada kan?? hehe

  5. No la son punye mcm tu since dpt kaki till now..adhd? No la, one of the symptom is hearing problem, if ur daughter still can hear u, then shud be ok.,my friend who referred her son informed me so..and adhd will normally confirm after they enter school or preschool..


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