The Historic Day finally came!
3rd January 2014.
so she decided to become one of the 2014 batches.
Alhamdulillah.. Praise to Allah.
i have so many things to tell. words are pouring in my mind. but my hands are too slow to catch up and my eyes are constantly wandering towards my Amna.
she is currently chilling under the UV light in our room.
what? you didn't know UV is the new thing? haha
the story started on the beginning of 38th week.
i was already at unease with being pregnant at 38weeks, since Ayra was only 37 weeks.
i began to feel anxious, super duper tired, excited, scared.
mixture of feelings were bottling up in me.
it was hard not to know what to expect but at the same the previous experience was kind like reminding you of what you should be expecting.
at 38 weeks check-up, Dr N said i have dilated to 2cm.
and i was happy. so, yeahh 2cm. it could not be that long to reach 4cm and so on right?
but doctor said it differs.
some may take up to a week or so. it depends.
owh well. okay.
doc said she has a feeling that i might pop out within that week itself.
it was kind of a relief to hear that but i did not want to hope in vain.
Hub was excited too.
so, that week, with cuti selang 2 days, was kind of tiring for me and thankfully,
Dr N gave me mcs to ease the stress and whatnot.
but still. i had works to settle and pass over.
so, the mc was kind of like a pass for me to come and go as i please.
i constantly had the contraction pain. but it was not unbearable. i could tolerate it.
on the 1/1/14, we decided to go to the hospital just to check whether i have dilated more.
cos the night before i was unable to sleep and my contractions were few minutes apart.
but, before going to the hospital, i had a big craving for Baskin Robbins.
enjoying my ice cream! |
so we woke up early and had our breakfast in BR.
then off we went to send Ayra with her Nena.
in the hospital, the Bidan checked me and sure enough, the contractions were few minutes apart,
but i was still 2cm dilated.
and this is after 2 days.
oh man.
so we decided to go home and walk around.
and i walked a lot.
that evening, i found brown stain on my undies.
it was a mucus plug.
(never had that before)
i read that even with the mucus being unplugged (hentam saja sentence),
it may take up to weeks for delivery to happen.
and so, i did not want to hope so much.
i went to work as usual the next day.
cleared off everything.
and i was actually lega to be on leave if let say i pop out later.
During lunch, told my boss bout the mucus plug and she was like
'u shud go to the hospital! second child might not take too long. for all u know u have dilated more!'
that's her way of scaring me.
but i still was not convinced.
i didnt feel any contraction.
so after lunch, i continued settling off my work.
at around 3pm, suddenly i had a very terrible backache that actually left me breathless.
my uterus was tightening but the pain was actually at the back.
i didnt feel any pain during the contraction.
it lasted for about an hour.
so at 4pm, i decided to go back.
called hub to come home asap and that i wanted to go to the hospital.
informed my boss bout it and she texted Dr N to alert her. (they are good friends)
upon VE, nurse informed me a disappointing news.
i was still 2cm dilated.
and to my amazement, when i was there, at the hospital,
my contractions were.. gone.
Ya Allah.
but Hub decided to check me in the ward so that monitoring can be done, just in case.
that night, Ayra slept with her Nena.
so sadddd. to be away from her.
and that night, i prayed n prayed to Allah, to show me the way.
to show me whether i should induce, or just let baby find her own time.
i didnt know what to do.
i was stuck.
my contractions were not so frequent and i could sleep soundly that night.
so the next morning, i thought:
so, i let Allah decide. just go with the flow.
if i am still 2cm, and doc advice to chill first, then i will.
when the DrN VE me that morning, she said i have dilated to 4cm.
she suggested to break the waterbag to quicken the process and to induce.
if i were to go out, i would surely be coming in today itself,
since i have dilate to 4cm. which means i was in labor.
the waterbag itself seems fragile and will break anytime.
so, okay, i guess. here goes.
it all happened so quickly.
DrN broke the waterbag at about 9.40am.
and i immediately feel the contraction.
emptied my bowel and started to walk around the room to ease the pain.
Hub was rubbing my back. and we read ayat2 quran together.
i was strapped with the ctg to monitor my contraction and the baby's heart rate.
the contractions were strong at first, but it was bearable. i've felt the worst contraction during Ayra's time so i insisted on not being on epi or pethidine.
nurse started to drip me with pitocin but the line kept on failing to work.
kejap2 line block.
kejap2 drip stop.
kejap2 mesin drip stuck.
it was like Allah's plan of not letting me having pitocin at all.
cos i didnt want pitocin at first place.
i was so scared of the side effects. well, the downfall of too much reading eh?
as i was lying down on my left side, with my right foot bended over the left, there was a very sharp strong pain at the pelvic area. i didnt know what kind of pain that is. but whenever the pain comes, it did not reflected in the graphs. so it wasnt contraction pain. and it did not feel like one.
the pain was seriously extremely giler sakit okeh!
totally different from contraction.
i asked the nurse what pain is that.
nurse told me that's the pain of the baby trying to find her way out.
Ya Allah.
im not kidding when i tell u it is the most painful pain i have ever felt.
i dont know how to describe the feeling.
it was so weird not having the contraction pain at all despite the pitocin being dripped into my vein.
but then again, the pitocin was only being dripped like few minutes.
i doubt it even worked looking at the rate it was being dripped.
there this one time i just could not tolerate the pain anymore.
so i decided to go for pethidine.
nurse checked me and i have dilated to 5cm at about 11.30am.
i was like.. 2 hours and 1cm progress?
bring on the drug!
but, boy was i wrong. i should just stick to drug free delivery.
in about half an hour, the pain became stronger and stronger.
i could not lie down,
i wanted to move
i wanted to squat.
i wanted to... pass motion!!
i told Hub to call the nurse.
to inform her that i need to berak.
it was funny cos when the nurse came, i was like:
nurse, nak berakkkkkk. sakitnyerrrr
that's when she checked i have fully dilated and in few minutes, doctor was in front of me, and popping my legs up and telling me to push when im ready.
but i told them i dont feel like pushing.,
i dont feel contractions at all.
so DrN told me to use the urge to berak as a que to push.
man, it was difficult.
it was like forcing yourself to berak when u have no poo to pass out.
i really have no way of telling u how painful the experience was.
to push her out without having contractions.
and toooo drowsy to push!
alas, the pethidine did its work.
only it was too late.
but i could feel the baby's head at the door. waiting to come out.
Allah sahaja tau perasaan waktu tu.
alhamdulillah, at 12.07pm, i delivered a beautiful baby girl safely.
she was placed onto my body to greet me.
but both of us was too dopped with pethidine to do more.
we smiled.
we exchanged salam.
i wanted her to find my nipple and have her first nursing experience, but she was sleepy.
and so did i!
so, there u go..
my little princess Amna Nabeela Muhd Hilmi:
and these are Allah's amanah to me and Hub:
semoga kami dapat membimbing anak2 ini ke jalan Allah.