What a tiring 5 days holidays that we had!
To make full use of the annual leaves that i still have in hand, we decided to go back to Terengganu in between the Maal Hijrah holiday, and the Alumni Event that Pharmacy UIA was hosting over the weekend.
I signed up to join the event. to.. explore. to..have fun..to keep updated.
And it was a great one, I did not regret of going.
Whilst in KT, I had some ample time to figure out things i want to do while being unemployed, or working for the next big thing in life.
Managed to do few things that got me excited by having that 'light bulb' moment.
I wont disclose it just yet. jinx ;)
Anyway, this post is meant to tell the awesomeness of the event held by Pharmacy UIA.
They did a good job in providing us with great inputs, activities and to keep our babies and toddlers occupied.
nice artwork. impressed. look so funky and so hip. |
We reached Kuantan at about 5pm.
Man was I shocked that it turned orange.
Literally orange Kuantan.
Aint it a suprised that this grave issue did not come out in local news?
Like everybody is having a good time inhaling bauksit and enjoy being orange.
Talk about personal interest and politic eh.
I would move out. Sell the house and relocate.
Not there.
You should see the place. It has ruined the beauty, the greenery, the houses, and most probably the health of those residents there.
It's sad.
But..easier to talk, than going through it right.
I hope these innocent people are safe and okay and protected by Allah..
Even UIA is slowly affected by it.
UIA Kuantan has become so graceful, so gah, so wow.
Hope it does not turn orange though. ;)
The mosque, faculty/kulliyahs, and hostels, etc.
there are different now.
When i was there, during my Uni years,
there were only Medical faculty, and few hostels. and a place call cafeteria for students to eat.
it was DULL.
Looking at it now, Allahuakbar. MasyaAllah.
It changed almost 360 degree.
picture taken from google |
picture taken from google |
picture taken from google |
We checked into our pre-booked hotel, Sri Manja.
My comment? I have a lot to comment, but.. I choose not to spoil it here.
probably next post. if I still have the fire in me to..fire. haha
The full event started on Saturday with games between batches,
children games etc.
Hub had to be imported to play with our batch of Rx3.
He had too. Not enough player.
Ive prepared painkillers etc. I knew he would complaint later.
haha, which is true enough.
Importantly, I want him to enjoy being there..with my friends.
The girls had fun time playing with balloons and games with the kakak2 there.
So, nice to say that I didnt have to run around to keep them entertained.
Thank god for these helpers.
That night, a dinner was held for the alumni. Many familiar faces, many forgotten names,
i am so forgetful these days. I am and i feel so bad.
I had to secretly ask my friends on who is who.
oh dear.
Can i blame the hormones?
or the birthing process?
The girls, especially Ayra had so much fun time while mommy and ayah had dinner.
The host has prepared a special Play Room for the children.
There were bouncing castle, movie show, clown (yikes) with balloons.
Ayra is scared of clown. Mommy is too. There's just something creepy with that make up.
How can one find it amusing?
The sisters kept them accompanied. played with them, talk to them,
so no wonder Ayra didnt want to come out and eat.
nice lady who decided to become a clown. |
our Rx3 batch. some of us at least. |
Sunday was the final day.
and... I have given my word to my friend that I would share my experience working in private sector.
I said yes, and then I backed off.
I just didnt feel.. good.
U know, with the resignation and all.
I dont feel like I am qualified to share anything.
but, a promise is a promise.
and so, there was I.
Along with 2 entrepreneur brothers, one of which owns 5 pharmacies.
and I was like.. makan gaji.
and soon to be unemployed. and a fulltime mom.
what's there to share?
But, as I held the mike, the generous side of me came out.
I shared what made me quit from government,
what made me want to explore the private sector
what are the challenges, the ups and downs,
the benefits.
I got excited. ;)
that's called gile mike.
But, truth is, I had more to share. But time was not permissible.
I wanted to add that support from family is important.
Support from your spouse, your mom and dad.
Without those, it's hard to do it alone.
Then one must read. Read as much as u can. And where ever u can. When ever u can.
Knowledge is something one can never get enough of.
The only way for one to improve is through gaining more knowledge.
Read every genre. Not just novels. Read on economy, on health, on religion, motivation.
read on biography, and success of others.
We always need to be inspired.
Humans are weak and forgetful.
By reading, we can constantly be insipired to keep on moving.
To keep on working for our dreams.
And never ever ever stop praying to your Lord. Your Creator.
Al-Khaliq (الخالق)
You may not know what you want, in life, in job, in whatever.
But pray anyway for guidance.
Pray that He will guide you to the right path, the right life.
That He eases your way in every corner of life
and that He guides you in ways that can benefit your deen, yourself, and your family.
Ask that He murahkan rezeki towards rezeki that could bring you closer to Him,
not rezeki that lead you astray.
I've seen many successful people forget their roots, their self when they are at the top.
I dont want that.
Let me always be grounded with every achievements that I have.
Terbang tunduk, kata Fynn Jamal.
The journey may not be easy, but it doesnt mean it is bad.
I is just a phase.
You just have to keep on going.
Dont give up and dont stop praying.
I have learnt a lot from all the sessions I've listen to.
I am so in awe in people's accomplishments.
They are to be proud of.
We have very notable seniors/juniors/ friends that we could be proud of.
And they have go beyond the stereotype pharmacy field.
And that is breaking the norm. Which is good.
It shows that this field has more to offer than the typical expectations.
I am impressed that we have a senior who is now a writer,
with many books being written and produced.
and he has helped others to do the same.
How I wish I could do the same too. I have always wanted to write.
but.. well, probably when the time comes.
example of his book |
And we have those being entrepreneurs. Not one or two.
But many. and I am just.. envy. A good one.
I would like be one too. I do.
Not only these people are a success, but they are passionate about what they are doing.
They love their job.
Now that is something i am still searching for.
I just hope the search will not be too long.
After all, time is running out.
Overall, it was a good event.
With great input. And it was a bonus that the children are enjoying that too.
Kudos to the whole team who made it possible and a success.