I flipped through the TV channels and stumbled upon Mad Max: Fury Road. The one with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron in. I never watched it and I didn't know what it was about. There was a scene when one of the bad people told his boss that he would get the person they are chasing for and that the boss will reward him with something something. He then jumped on the big truck and his metal chain got stuck on the roof of the truck. He fell down and his boss said: Urggghh another mediocre.
That scene somehow left me thinking. Am I just a mediocre? Will that I ever be despite my dreams and vision? But then, is it bad to be an average?
Well, there is no right or wrong in this. If you are content to be where you are and that life is great the way it is, then it is for you. If you feel like you can do more, contribute more, impact more, then you may want to put being just mediocre out of your options.
But, we also have to understand that we cannot be great at everything. Most of the times, we may be great at a thing, or 2 things. One can be great in climbing a corporate ladder, but he or she may be just a mediocre in being a parent. Then I guess, pick your priority?
I have spent the past 10 years creating diversity in my resume. Being a pharmacist, I am able to explore different pharmacy-related fields, and of course I did my very best in each and every one. I have explored different portfolios and I know what I don't like and what I may consider further.
I am now 35 years old. I am not getting any younger. I am now ready to focus in something and be more than average. But the big Question is WHAT?
I think I can be a good leader, but corporate field is not my forte. I can deliver, but I don't like the purely profit driven that I had to succumb to at the end of the month; to fulfill the desires of the directors, the shareholders. Based on my experience, these people can never have enough. They always want more. Well, that is human nature. But if we cannot control that desire, we only create a greedy monster who no longer have good intentions. It will be about us being 'more, more, more'.
I have been reading a lot, and I noticed that I have been buying a lot of motivational and psychological books. I am not depressed (not that I am aware of as of today), but the mind is intriguing, isn't it? I have three beautiful daughters and I want to be able to be a good example and role model to them. I believe by understanding the emotion, the mind and people, I may able to do so (well, at least I try?).
One area that never left my heart is doing charity. Back in Uni times, we used to organize a lot of activities that I believe help a lot of underprivileged. I miss those times. I have not been able to do it ever since due to work, family etc. Excuses? perhaps. I dont know.
Lil' Tummy was created with the intention to help underprivileged babies with good food. I did not manage to follow through due to a lot of factors like my kids we much younger then, the lack of knowledge and motivation and support and financial issues. Getting back to work is much easier.
Nonetheless that piece of me was never been buried. Selalu teringat to go back tapi.. there's always a 'tapi'.
So this time around, I need to plan properly, effectively, step by step. Work can be shitty as hell, but if I have a different goal in mind, work can just be work. I have something to look forward to once I am ready to leave to embark on the journey full-time.
This is the time I will learn more on leadership, speaking and content writing, find out more on target population and the services or products to deliver, to solve or to bridge the gap identified in the society.
I am not imagining it as an easy path. But I am glad that I have found a friend who shares the same passion and slowly, we shall do this.
“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” ― Frank Herbert
Showing posts with label Reflection&Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflection&Motivation. Show all posts
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Monday, September 12, 2016
paralympics inspiration
Watching the news on the winning of our Malaysian Paralympics really awakens my thoughts.
how awesome are they that despite their limitations, they are still able to achieve their dreams?
they work hard, train hard, have good support system, believe in themselves,
and Allah grant their wish.
they prove that nothing is impossible.
their winning gives us hopes.
them, the so called orang kurang upaya, give me hope.
you know Amna has a little bit of weakness on her left limb, kan.
she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, but only because it involved brain injury at less than 2year old. it was a really really really mild cp.
Alhamdulillah her condition only affected her motor skills on her left limb. her cognitive skills are normal. in fact, she is a fast learner.
she has improved a lot. but i can still see that she walks, runs, jumps,
differently than the others.
and every time i see that, my heart aches. i wish we can trade places.
let me walk, run, jump differently.
Knowing today that 3 of our paralympic athletes obtained gold really gave me hope in a sense that Amna can do it. she is definitely not an OKU, but her weaknesses can be improved, and she can finally walk, run and jump the best she can.

these heroes also proved that whatever our challenges are, if we put our minds on our goals, we are positive, we work hard, have good support, believe in ourselves, and have good faith in Allah, the day will come that Allah grants our dream.
they inspired me to not give up with Lil' Tummy even though it is hard.
i bet before they become heroes, they had doubts on their capabilities.
they worked hard, trained hard but failed multiple times.
at times when they felt like a loser, their supporters gave them strength. reminded them of their dreams. gave them hope. and never to lose their sight.
and never to stop praying to Allah. cause Allah loves those who beg from Him.
their winning is different from the 'normal' athletes. or any successful people we know.
i see them as someone extraordinary because physical and mental limitation is bigger than us.
for me, others always have something else to back them up, like money,
connections, power, names, influences.
i love seeing vivy, but she got there with her luck of wealth, huge effort and supporters.
i like seeing how naelofa soars, but she had her names influencing people.
u get it?
Ridzwan, Ziyad and Latif just took inspiration to the next level.
i cannot imagine me having limitations on my physical or mental.
i am sure to crawl in my cave and dwell on it.
to overcome this takes huge effort.
the message is, if they can do it despite their shortcoming, what reason do we give ourselves for not trying as hard or as much? our arms, legs and body are intact.
our brain can calculate 1 to 10, and we can shop like nobody's business and calculate discounts.
we can eat and drink without assistance. we can button our shirts easily
(Amna has difficulty to button up but she is improving)
we can walk, run and jump.
we talk. we laugh. we think.
so why do give up on what we want? on our dreams?
on difficulties? on tribulation?
Allah gives us a minor test and we give up.
we complaint, we cry, we curse.
we even blame Allah for not playing fair.
we feel like we are suffering and we have negative thoughts on our destiny.
basically, we presume the worse on Allah's will.
we need to stop. i need to stop.
Amna. Lil'Timmy. family. friends. money. time.
everything. anything
i can do it. Amna can do it. we can do it.
just do it. 😉
thank you Ridzuan, Ziyad and Latif.
you are our muse, our hero, our wakeup call.
an inspiration to our biggest dreams.
you are the best example of life one can learn so much from.
you gave me a big slap on my face.
and i have to thank you for that.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
10 nasihat untuk isteri
Azza requested that i blog about Being Me.
but i like i said, my memories do not serve me well
lately. it's sad.
i even forgot a conversation that i had with my staff in the morning when i called him in the afternoon.
pathethic right?
i need more oxygen to go up there, since it's been more utilized down there!
anyhow, i am intrigued by this advice that a woman gave to her child on her wedding night.
and this advice is really good to all of us called wives.
i hope we all benefit from this.
it does makes sense as, according to Sheikh Alaa elSayed, men are more attracted to/ influenced by
physical things, whereas women to emotions.
that is why men are easily captured by beautiful women, and
women are melted by kind hearted gestures.

so, these are the advice that i managed to google up and copied from
(i could not find the english version. if u have one, do share)
“Wahai anakku! Kalaulah wasiat ini untuk kesempurnaan adabmu, aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya, tetapi ia sebagai peringatan untuk yang lalai dan pedoman kepada yang berakal.
Andai kata wanita tidak memerlukan suami kerana berasa cukup dengan kedua ibu bapanya, tentu ibumu adalah orang yang paling berasa cukup tanpa suami. Tetapi wanita diciptakan untuk lelaki dan lelaki diciptakan untuk mereka.
Wahai puteriku, Sesungguhnya engkau akan meninggalkan rumah tempat kamu dilahirkan dan kehidupan yang telah membesarkanmu untuk berpindah kepada seorang lelaki yang belum kamu kenal dan teman hidup yang baru. Kerana itu, jadilah 'budak' wanita baginya, tentu dia juga akan menjadi 'budak' bagimu serta menjadi pendampingmu yang setia.
Peliharalah sepuluh sifat ini terhadapnya, tentu ia akan menjadi perbendaharaan yang baik untukmu.
Pertama dan kedua, berkhidmat dengan rasa puas serta taat dengan baik kepadanya.
Ketiga dan keempat, memerhatikan tempat pandangan matanya dan bau yang diciumnya. Jangan sampai matanya memandang yang buruk daripadamu dan jangan sampai dia mencium kecuali yang harum daripadamu.
Kelima dan keenam, memerhatikan waktu tidur dan waktu makannya, kerana lapar yang berlarutan dan tidur yang terganggu dapat menimbulkan rasa marah.
Ketujuh dan kelapan, menjaga hartanya dan memelihara kehormatan serta keluarganya. Perkara pokok dalam masalah harta adalah membuat anggaran dan perkara pokok dalam keluarga adalah pengurusan yang baik.
Kesembilan dan kesepuluh, jangan membangkang perintahnya dan jangan membuka rahsianya. Apabila kamu tidak mentaati perintahnya, bererti kamu melukai hatinya. Apabila kamu membuka rahsianya kamu tidak akan aman daripada pengkhianatannya.
Kemudian janganlah kamu bergembira di hadapannya ketika dia bersedih atau bersedih di hadapannya ketika dia bergembira. Jadilah kamu orang yang sangat menghormatinya, tentu dia akan sangat memuliakanmu.
Jadilah kamu orang yang selalu sepakat dengannya, tentu dia akan sangat belas kasihan dan sayang kepadamu.
Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan dapat apa yang kamu inginkan sehingga kamu mendahulukan keredaannya daripada keredaanmu, dan mendahulukan kesenangannya daripada kesenanganmu, baik dalam hal yang kamu sukai atau yang kamu benci dan Allah akan memberkatimu.”
i hope i can be his good Wife, and be rewarded with Jannah.
and his angel forever.
Being Me
i am now 12 weeks.
3 months
but dont worry, the nausea and vomiting are still here.
but to the lesser extent.
i was able to get out of the house on Saturday and attended..
Being Me: Muslimah Empowered.
i thank Allah for letting me have the strength and means to go there and
learn as much as i can in being His better servant.
i dragged my cousin, who was forced to drive.
i couldnt drive too far.
i get drowsy, remember.
and i met zeti, kak fadh and sabb whilst there.
sudah lama tidak berjumpa.
of course, byk stories.
if only i have more energy to involve more.
talk about the conference,
it was very insightful and inspiring..
i really enjoyed Prof Muhaya's talk on Garment on each other.
at first i tot she was going to talk about her fahsion line, the As-Sohwah.
u know, fashion, garment, makes sense right?
but the topic was actually about how to complete our spouse, in being
the garment for him. and him, for us.
we attract what we potray or what we give
if we give good, we receive good.
good thoughts lead to good actions and good outcomes.
so, be positive!
good thoughts lead to good actions and good outcomes.
so, be positive!
the second speaker that i like is a revert from Christian,
brother Yusha Evans.
his story on how he embraced islam is beautiful.
he read the transalation of Quran from cover to cover in just 3 days.
and on the 4th, he embraced Islam.
i envy him. his ability to understand the meaning of the quran
in just 3 days!
i have been a muslim for almost 29 years,
and what do i understand??
sad, right?
another speaker that i enjoyed if Sheikh Alaa elsayed.
man, he is so funny.
like, so so funny, and happening, i think he must be a
very cool dad to his children.
he talked about how women carries the 4 hats:
the daughter, the wife, the mother, the carrier woman.
it's hard. to juggle all in a time.
if we dont plan, and execute our time properly, we will have difficulties
in handling all roles.
but, above all, the role of a Wife is the most important role.
we are first a wife.
for with our husband's will, Jannah is ours.
then we are a mother.
we educate them to be the a good Muslim and Allah's servant
so they may help us to enter Jannah.
so, i hope i dont forget that,
no matter how high i climb in the ladder of the my work,
i am still, foremost a wife.
there are more to share, but i am not in
the best mood to write.
or should i say, my memories have gone haywired.
i am so bad in remembering things nowadays!
and it's only 3 months of pregnancy.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Journey of Faith: Bringing My Baby for Umrah
Mak (mil) asked me when we were in
Masjidil Haram, while waiting for prayer:
Masjidil Haram, while waiting for prayer:
what would you tell those who wanted to bring their babies for umrah?
what would your advice be?
i asnwered:
go ahead. if you feel you are strong, go ahead.
but do not complaint.
be prepared mentally and physically cause things will not be easy.
and again, dont complaint.
for me, i wanted to bring Ayra. so i kept telling myself that it will be hard.
but i must keep on thinking positively and believe that Allah will help me.
and i truly feel He did.
Hub and i have always wanted to go for umrah ever since we got married.
on the first year of marriage, we were not ready financially.
second year, i got pregnant,
and alhamdulillah, 2013 is our year.
i did not want to leave Ayra behind.
reason 1: ayra is still breast feeding. i would like to continue that till she's two.
reason 2: mommy cannot depart from her daughter. she cant even sleep if Ayra is in the next bed.
reason 3: well. simply cannot leave her cos i know i'd miss her more than anything and it'd disturbed my mind from concentrating in my ibadah.
when we reach masjidil haram, it was about 12 midnight.
we were so tired being in the bus for about 7 hours.
ayra was definitely asleep.
upon reaching, we performed umrah.
i had to carry her during tawaf 7 times around kaabah.
she didnt want to be carried by others. she wanted mommy only.
so, i pulled some strength and carried on.
alhamdulillah. Allah made it easy.
it's a lie of i say i didnt feel tired at all.
yes, i did feel exhausted. but somehow it was bearable.
i think He lend me some strength.
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this is when we were performing tawaf widaa. thank allah cos she did want to be carried by her ayah. |
sa'ie was more difficult. the 7 times walking between safa and marwah
was really2 tiring.
alhamdulillah, my family helped me in carrying her by taking turns.
we stopped at each round for zam-zam.
and we finished after about 2 hours.
the next day was definitely a knocked-out day for us.
ayra slept almost all day.
but again, i have the energy to solat, to walk, to window shop.
the exhaustion was only for a while.
prayer times were not too difficult.
i brought ayra to the mosque, and put her on her safety harness.
i tie the end of the rope to my ankle so she wouldnt go far while
im praying.
she would behave nicely when she has her peers nearby.
she is such a friendly girl!
she would approach babies/toddlers and start playing with them.
she is the friendliest baby ive ever seen,
she likes making friends.
if no friends were around, she wanted attention from me.
so i had to carry her while praying.
so far.. i think we did okay.
i pray Allah granted my prayers, umrah and repentance.
it was hard but i did not regret bringing my little joy along.
i learnt to be patience, and berserah to Him.
ayra also learns a lot.
she made a lot of friends.
she now knows how to takbir, rukuk and sujud in tertib.
she absorbs everything so fast.
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cheeky face. she looked at people going over to take zam-zam. she saw it once, then straight away to take it herself. |
we miss Mekkah and Madinah.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Journey of Faith
alhamdulillah, praise to Allah swt.
i am back from Umrah in the Holy Land.
thank you Allah
for giving me the chance to go to the sacred place
and perform ibadah, with Hub and Ayra.
thank you for giving me the ultimate Strength to take
care of my child and still able to perform ibadah.
it was such an amazing experience.
an amazing feeling, praying in Masjidil Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi.
i cannot describe the feeling.
i can simply say: Amazing
we went with my parents in law and sister in law.
and i am very thankful to Allah for letting them joining us for this
meaningful umrah.
without them, i dont know whether i could actually do this.
i mean, with Ayra and all.
they helped me a lot.
we went with TH travel. it was for about 12 days, inclusive of
traveling period.
we stayed in al-safwa Royal Orchid hotel.
which is soo near to masjidil haram.
that enabled me to tend to Ayra when needed.
and when we were in Madinah, we stayed in Movenpick, which is also
very near to the Masjid al-Nabawi.
al safwa royal archid hotel. very near right? |
and now i am back in Malaysia, missing the Hold Land badly.
i miss the suasana of ibadah there.
the only thing that we rush for was to perform solat.
the feeling was beautiful.
i hope to be there again.
every year if i can!
im hoping to be a better muslim after this,
i hope the umrah was accepted by Allah swt.
i will blog more on the journey.
on how to handle a baby/toddler when we were there.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew.
There are times, (many times) that i wish for this and that,
a bigger house; perhaps a Semi-D?,
a cooler car; perhaps a Q5 or Evoque?
more and more handbags; Prada, Chanel, Dior.
a luxury vacation around the world,
a business class air trip instead of economy.
a fancy meal at fancy restaurants,
a Boogaboo for that little one,
a Louboutin, Ferragamo and Tods'
a Laura Ashley for the Home Sweet Home'
the latest iPad, with MuiMui casing
and the list go on.
it will never end.
When i think of all the materials things i want,
i start to think of the Hereafter.
of Death.
and then i would feel grateful.
Praise to Allah.
for giving me everything.
i have a wonderful Husband, a beautiful daughter,
a loving mother and father.
a family.
and amazing friends.
i have a home, a job that i actually enjoy,
a car that i can use to get me places,
everything that i need.
i started to realize.. my life on this earth is short.
all the things i want are purely materials.
they are not real.
i can never feel fulfilled.
it can never be enough.
reasons after reason will come to cloud my thinking,
i will never be satisfied.
when i think of death, i began to shiver down my spine.
im scared of death.
the thought of being all alone.
no one can help me.
no one can see me.
no one can hear me.
im dead.
im scared.
really scared.
like death is coming for me now
and i am not prepared.
will i ever be prepared?
it doesnt matter how big my house is
cos in the end, its 6foot down under where i will be.
it doesnt matter whose brand im wearing
cos in the end, it's the white cloth that covers me
it doesnt matter what car im driving
cos in the end, people carry me down in the coffin
it doesnt matter how many designer handbags i could own
cos when im dead, my deeds are my own
it doesnt matter how big my salary is
cos in the end, the rewards from Allah is most important.
it doesnt matter what the world has to offer,
cos in the end. the world will end.
and i will be at lost.
death is certain and it is certainly scary.
God, i wish i can be His faithful servant.
so many times i slip and so many times i turn back to Him.
somtimes i wonder, did He hear me?
Did He accept my repentance?
the world is indeed a challenging place to live.
so full of interesting offers.
im trying to fight, trying to abstain
to me, i remind myself:
Death is near. what have i done as a preparation?
Monday, February 4, 2013
anak itu anugerah
Anak itu hadiah dari Allah.
untuk menolong kita masuk syurga.
a child is Allah's gift to help us enter Jannah.
that's what she said during the Raising Young Khalifah seminar we joined.
(i havent fully blog about what i have learned there.)
this was said by the founder of Little Chaliph.
i was truly inspired by her words. her motivation.
her vision.
i cant recall all the input. too bad.
but one thing i remember is the above statement.
a child is Allah's gift to us.
to help us to enter Jannah.
thus, how we shape, teach, provide, show our child, affect the being that
we are raising.
if we raise him/her following Allah's way,
insyaAllah, Jannah is ours.
if we fail to provide her/him with her/his rights as a muslim,
then the right for us to enter Jannah will also be taken away.
she told us stories on how she and her husband raise their family.
they raised tahfiz/tahfizah so it was kind of difficult.
they dont have tv for about 5 years.
and when they finally bought a tv, no astro whatsoeva.
tgk pun kabur2 je so that tak nampak scene2 tak elok.
and the husband is very particular about reading materials in their house.
magazines with women not covering aurah are forbidden.
newspapers are forbidden.
all those contain information not suitable for growing children.
children who are starting to read, will tend to read everything they can read.
so, by exposing them to sensitive words at a very2 young age
may not be suitable.
it is not the time for them to understand.
it's hard to do what they do.
i, myself, am trying to live without tv.
i dont let it conquer my life.
but at moments, i'd like to unwind and relax.
now, ayra is being a sponge.
absorbing everything she sees.
including the Hi5 videos on tv that Nena likes to put on.
then she starts dancing and moving and being all cute.
we simply cannot resist her cuteness.
how do we deal with that??
Anak itu anugerah.
anak itu ibarat kain putih.
kita la yang mendidik dan mencorak nya.
i am trying.hard
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Parenting style of parents of Al-Fatih
Raising Young Khalifah was amazing!
i gained tons of knowledge and i am very grateful that i went there.
it was held in Tabung Haji,
waaaaa. i have never been there.
the dewan was so lawaaa ok!
look at the stars!
the change colors!
and i am sooo kodi!
Hub and I went together, so it was really insightful for both of us.
can keep reminding each other cos we are so forgetful lor!!
Jam was there too!
made it so much fun!
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i looked chubby early in the morning |
the seminar started off with a performance by
Sham Kamikaze, Catt Ross and a guy whose name i didnt know.
the seminar was conducted by Amin from AlHijrah.
i like him.
sangat pandai bercakap and charismatic.
i am going to share with u about what i learnt.
sharing is caring right??
among the interesting topics covered are:
Muhammad al Fatih by Ust Syaari.
Pendidikan Islam kepada anak by Pn Hjh Sabariah Faridah
Pembentukan Tauhid dlm anak by Ustazah Badariah
Pembentukan Khalifah by Ust Hasrizal.
the first session was about Muhammad al-Fatih.
it was presented by Ustaz Syaari.
if u do not know about Al-Fatih, please do read on him.
he is the great Muslim warrior who conquered Constantinople at the age of 21.
He ruled the Empire of Islam at the age of 15!!
(i was studying for PMR at that age!)
what the ustaz touched on was how Al-Fatih was brought up by his parents that
made him the success person that he was.
here is what i captured:
- jaga keturunan: teach our kids the history of our family so they have the sense of loving towards the family. know our roots. remember that what u give u will get back. what we to do our parents, our kids will do to us.
- let them grow with vision and jihad: let them literally draw out what is in their minds. Al-Fatih drew what he imagined and he made them into reality. let our kids use their right brains more. it is said that later, the right brainers will rule the future. the right brainers are more imaginative and creative.. so, crayons and paper out! draw!
- before they go to bed, is the time that knowledge is absorbed most. about 80%! that is very high. that is why, before bed, tell them the stories of great islamic warrior and read them the Quran (or play the Quran if u cant read beautifully). for now, i let Ayra listen to Quranic verses. i read to her whenever i put her to bed. if tak semua pun, mana yg hafal je la.. hehe when she is a little bit bigger and she can understand stories, insyaAllah, stories of tokoh-tokoh Islam pula..
- always2 bersangka baik kpd Allah. when 2 of big brothers of Al-Fatih died, his father took it well and groomed al-Fatih to be the next kin. he didnt blame Allah. instead he worked on a solution. mould our kids' adab and akhlak by showing good examples. dont expect your kids to be beradab if u tak beradab.setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
- let your kids learn foreign language. Al fatih learns 7 languages. masters in 4 of them. hm.. nak Ayra blaja ape ek. (mummy pun kena blaja gak)
- take care of what they eat and their physiques. dont let them get fat!!! let them be active. do not worry that your kids cannot duduk diam. let them be. it shows they are bright and smart. attentive.
- let them be independent. kurangkan saying 'no' to them. if they want to climb the bed, let them. if they fall, they will learn. unless of course, nak cross jalan merangkak sorang2 memangla tidak boleh yer..
- let them be friends with the elderly. they can learn much from the elderly and learn to respect.
- teach them literature. sastera. al-Fatih wrote poems when he was growing up. one of the famous great poems that he wrote, that inspired many great people:
To obey, Fight hard for Allah, is my aim and my desire;
'Tis but zeal for Faith, for Islam, that my ardor doth inspire.
Through the grace of Allah, and th' assistance of the Band Unseen,
Is my earnest hope the Infidels to crush with ruin dire.
On the Saints and on the Prophets surely doth my trust repose;
Through the love of God, to triumph and to conquest I aspire.
What if I with soul and gold strive here to wage the Holy War?
Praise is God's! ten thousand sighs for battle in my breast suspire.
O Mohammed! through the chosen Ahmed Mukhtar's glorious aid,
Hope I that my might may triumph over Islam's foes acquire!
Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih, Ottoman Sultan and Conqueror of Istanbul - equip them with martial arts and outdoors activities. Rasulullah s.a.w even suggested for us to learn archery, horse riding and swimming. maka..bukan shj anak.. tp kite pun kena la belajar..
so, in short, itu la dia...
i have more to share but limited time to write.
till next post!
jom beramal!!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Raising Young Khalifah
i am so excited!!!
i stumbled upon this while facebooking:
next Tuesday.
there will be my fav speakers such as
Dr Harlina,
Dr Harlina,
Amin from TV AlHijrah
Ust Hasrizal.
and the topics!
we really need those inputs!
1. Kenali Khalifah Unggul Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh - Ketahui Gaya Didikan Ibubapa Baginda.
2. Berkongsi Pengalaman Sebenar Puan Hajah Sabariah Faridah Melahirkan Ratusan Khalifah Muda.
3. "Mama, Mana Allah?" – Tauhid, Asas Pembentukkan Hati.
4. Proses Pembentukkan Khalifah.
5. "Parent-Child Partnership" - Jalinan Emosi Dua Hala
6. Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam.
7. Keperihatinan Ibu Bapa di Zaman Epal, Bukan Sekadar Buah.
8. Cabaran Membesarkan Khalifah Muda di Era Ladygaga.
9. Panduan Pemakanan Lazat, Berzat, Berkat.
10. Ketahui Agenda dan Fitnah Akhir Zaman.
2. Berkongsi Pengalaman Sebenar Puan Hajah Sabariah Faridah Melahirkan Ratusan Khalifah Muda.
3. "Mama, Mana Allah?" – Tauhid, Asas Pembentukkan Hati.
4. Proses Pembentukkan Khalifah.
5. "Parent-Child Partnership" - Jalinan Emosi Dua Hala
6. Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam.
7. Keperihatinan Ibu Bapa di Zaman Epal, Bukan Sekadar Buah.
8. Cabaran Membesarkan Khalifah Muda di Era Ladygaga.
9. Panduan Pemakanan Lazat, Berzat, Berkat.
10. Ketahui Agenda dan Fitnah Akhir Zaman.
Hub really likes Muhammad Al-Fateh, and i really need to know more about him despite
Hub telling me over and over again about the magnificent warrior.
He is such and inspiration to all mankind.
i want to be a parent who emphasizes more on Islamic education.
once, i was afraid of having kids because i dont want
to expose them to what this world is offering.
look at the youngsters today,
moral issues everywhere.
religion is outdated.
Gaga is worshipped.
i constantly worry.
i need to start learning how to be a good parent
to my child.
the correct way.
and thus, this seminar is the way for us.
Hub is joining of course.
i cannot do this on my own!
i am easily offed track!
one minute i can be goody2
one minute i can go astray.
so, that is why Hub is here to guide me too
and look at topic no.9!
yes, i believe in good food for my child.
now, let's join shall we???
Monday, September 3, 2012
Letter For My Baby (Part 1)
I was inspired by Letter to My Children by Syakh Yahya.
I decided Ayra (and later perhaps my other children) will
need one (or more maybe) coming from deep within my heart..
So here goes
Dear My Darling Baby,
Bismillah hirrahman
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
I hope you will read this by the time you can start reading fluently and know how to handle the techy world well..
Ayah and me love u very much.. so so much.. even before you were born. We anticipated your
coming to the world with much love and preparation. We wanted to give the only
best that a parent could provide even while you were still in the womb..
We have so much hopes and dreams for you, but need not to
fear as we do not want to burden you with those worldly matters.. of course,
any parent would want their child to strive in this world.. to be a successful
person, to be a good person..but please know dear, .that above all, what we want
for you most is actually for you to be a Great Muslim and Servant of Allah
We will try to be the best person for you, the best role
model for you and to do the best that we can do in raising you in this
challenging world. But please know also dear child that we are only human and
we make mistakes all the time.. we are no angels nor Muhammad rasul Allah.. For
all the bad things that we do/did, please forgive us.. For all the
imperfections that we portray, please know that it is not for you to follow… we
are trying hard to set the best example for you.. in life, and hereafter..
May Allah gives us the strength to do so, and that Allah
will always show us the way.
Allah is the One and only, the Creator, the Force, the
Power, and everything that makes you, me and everything in this life. He is
here, He is there, He is everywhere. He is the good conscious inside of you,
the light that shines through, the one that we obey and give our hearts to. As
we say, La Ilaha ILLallah, we firmly
believe that there is no other than Allah, no gods but Allah, He is the One and
Only for us to serve and obey. Muhammad
dur Rasulullah, we believe that Muhhammad s.a.w is our prophet, the one
that we follow and love, and that he is Allah’s Messenger for our time. He is the perfect role model for us, in
whatever time that we live in.
As a Muslim, daily prayer is a must. Never leave your
prayers on purpose.. unless of course,
you are given MC by Allah.. Other than that, even when you are sick on your
death bed, never leave your prayers… Prayer is the pillar of your belief. It what
makes you a Muslim and a believer. Yes, I understand that it may be hard or
even insincere at first, but you have to force yourself and later, by Allah’s
will, you will do it full heartedly and sincerely. Bury the fear of leaving
prayer inside of you.. that life will not be at ease when you don’t perform
it.. have that fear in you..When your prayers are taken care of, the rest will
be at ease.. insyaallah.. it will make you closer to Allah.. I sure you that.
One of the most looked forward time of the year is
Ramadhan.. it is the time for us to be closer to Him and struggle to find His
blessings. Restrain your eyes, your tongue, your tummy and thus it will
restrain your nafs (desire). Nafs will be king of destruction of your iman. As
you grow older, you will be exposed to many types of nafs that human can have.
And they are a lot.. be aware of your nafs with the opposite gender. Restrain
youself by fasting as fasting can curb your desire. Fasting is not only about
experiencing hunger, but it teaches you to be patience, to be grateful, to be
Money is not everything in this life. But it does provide
you with a lot of things, especially the good things in life. Money can be
sweet and tempting. But it can also be downfall to your life. Money can make
you happy and it can make you sad. Be wise in what you choose to do. Never
forget your zakat. It not only helps the poor and Islamic economy but it
cleanses your wealth and your soul. It will be the blood that flows in your
vein, and flesh that makes you and your child. Purify your wealth, purify your
health, purify yourself. Do not be afraid to give zakat, do not be afraid of
having less than what you had. Remember, the more you give, the more Allah will
give you. If you are sick, give sedekah. If you are in trouble, give sedekah.
You will see that it helps in attaining a better you.. both spiritually and
Ayah and me have always dreamt of performing Hajj. I have
longed to be in Mecca, to be there in
the Holy place. How I wish I can go there and experience the miracle of Mecca.
I pray that when our time comes, we can obtain the mabrur hajj like what
everybody dreams of. Put away some of your income for your hajj. If you can, do
it while you still have your strength and power. Do it while you are still
young. . for you never know when you will be called back to him. Time will not wait for us, it will not be kind.
So baby, honor the time that you have.
On that note.. I think I better stop here.. this is long
enough for you, I'm sure... I decided to write about your responsibility as a Muslim first
because this is the most important part of being a human. When you can do all
these, insyaallah, the rest will come easily. Allah will guide you…
Loving you dearly with every bits of my heart & soul,
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