I am intrigued by this.
it got me thinking.
If I were to choose, I will definitely choose A, C and D.
Why A?
Oh dear should I say why??? Of course the vomiting and nausea and the tiredness and the backache, headache, stomache. Hyperemesis is the worst! and mine did not help but to hang around until my third timester. Alhamdulillah the third pregnancy was not as bad as the first or the second. but regardless, I am forever traumatized by this. with the needles and drips. and my most important thing to carry everywhere: plastic bag. It was my BFF. heck, it replaced my handbag!
I couldnt travel a lot. All i could do was curled up on my bed and sleep. and I missed eating. I craved eating. anything as long as I could eat. 2nd and 3rd pregnancy was not as bad, but it was still part of the journey. but seeing your child/children and husband being neglected was a very very bad feeling. I felt soo bad that I could not entertain them much, being a mom and a wife. really, I felt so bad.
on the bright side, I did lose weight. a lot. I ended up with few weight gain, usually about 10kg or less. that was my proud moment. haha (but baby fat is still here though, darn it)
What about B?
Labour is of course painful. I would be mad if I say it did not hurt. I am no bionic woman people.
But Alhamdulillah, I tend to..forget them. u know, like a short term memory.
probably that's why i have 3 children now.
the feeling of the baby coming out and gulppppp. suddenly the pain stops.
when the baby cries, suddenly the pain is gone.
that is the perks of giving birth without painkiller. (haha)
Why C & D?
ok, breastfeeding was kind of easy for me for the second one. i had no engorgement issue.
but the first, and the third, it was a bit difficult.
for the first child of course being a new mom, i didnt have much clue on the real bf situation. i did read a lot on BF during pregnancy but the experience itself is different. the first one was more on milk supply issue. this third one is more on latching issue. her latching caused nipple pain and a lil bit of bleeding. crazy okay. but Alhamdulillah, we are over that now. hopefully.
then there's the almost hourly feeding which leads to sleep deprivation.
having 2 kids and an infant with u having not enough sleep is really something else. it's like your energy bar is almost zero. u tend to be easily pissed, moody and crying in the middle on the night.
almost crazy.
but, nothing beats the look of your child. when u look closely at the helpless body, screaming for your very own attention, u just melt. and then u realize, she will grow out of it and eventually no longer needs u like she does now. u will no longer be her only thing.
when that time comes, u will long for this crazy moments.
and u melt and move on with all the energy left in u.