My Dear Baby Girl Ayra Nabeeha,
You have achieved so much in this 4 years of your life...
You love going to school. even though it was hard on the first month of school. you created so many excuses.
"Mommy, kakak sakit perut." "Mommy, i dont feel well"
but as time went on, u learn to make friends and your teachers have been so patient in pulling your interest towards school.
You love your teachers and friends. You always talk about them in the most delightful ways.
You are friendly, joyful and fun.
You are independent and hardworking.
Teachers always say that you are the joy of the school. Without u, it feels empty. That goes the same to me and Ayah.
You love helping others, and Mommy too. You are our Anak Solehah..
You love arts and painting.. i have to bring pen and papers everywhere we go just for you to draw something and be creative. im glad. at least u didnt demand for the gadgets.
Your Nena has been very helpful in developing that part of u ;)
Your drawing skills have developed so much. i am now more beautiful. ;)
You love drawing your little happy family.
You love singing and talking. and at times we are out of words to respond. ;)
You have a gentle heart and soft spoken.
You love Amna so much even though at times she gets on your nerves. that's what sisters are for.
She looks up to you and likes to follow/imitate your every behaviour.
My doa for you is that Allah protects from from evil of the world, evil of the eyes and temptations of the world.
That for you to grow up being Allah's best servant.
For you to be the best example for a muslim.. that you have quran in your heart and Sunnah of Rasulullah saw in your actions and words..
and that for u to enjoy your childhood the best that u can.

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