Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Literally Monday Blues

Back to work! and it ain't fun, people.
the week did not start too well. (actually not well at all.)


Blooper 1:
Woke up to heavy rain in the morning. oh so not in the mood of waking up!
but managed to pull myself out of bed.
how can i leave princess when we have been together for 10.5days all the times!love it!!

Blooper 2:
On the way to work, at the smart tag lane, tetiba there was this car masuk right in front of me. i was terkejut and break cepat2. but my car was like slipping probably because the road was slippery. there was screeching sound and my heart was pounding hard.
thank god i didnt crash into him! (assume it was a guy). STooooooopid fellow.
all my thing dropped onto the back car floor. All.

Blooper 3:
Arriving in front of the hospital, many people were at the junction, waiting for the light to turn green. usually a policeman will jaga the traffic. but probably he was still on raya holiday, so it didnt go smoothly. people were cutting lines like they have no shame at all! how dare u! stoooopid again. i was stuck at the traffic light i'd say about 5-6 times! mcm mana nak lepas if org asyik potong2 masuk line.
if it was me, i surely did not give any chance. at all. but the people in front of me were being so foolishly generous! well, i dont think they want to but had to or else they'd crash into each other.
can u Malaysian be more discipline and line up?? it was so nerve wrecking when this happened.

Blooper 4:
i could have punched in at 7.30am sharp, but because of all those tamak people, i punched in at 7.41am.

when i got out of the car to take my things from behind, i found that my water bottle was actually empty! from 2L to zero. it fell right into my Longchamp bag. which has my laptop, charger, phone charger, purse, make up, roti for breakfast and so on.

Blooper 6:
my laptop obviously cannot be switched on! (so sad. Hubby bought for me as hadiah bersalin... sad )
and my phone charger could not charge my dying phone!

Blooper 7:
at my desk, i found TONS of weekends works done by my juniors which i have to check.

at that point, i got migraine.
swallowed Panadol 2 tabs.

and i was thinking, Should i go home now and call it a day?
but it's only 8 am

what an opener to my week!

p/s: still hoping the laptop can work. giving it some time to dry.

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