Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Evening at the Beach

today is another day in KT. 
but today we filled it with awesome activities.

woke up early today to go to Faiezah's house. 
she is staying in Kuala Berang with her husband and new son, Arief.
it was the first time we visited them here, in terengganu.
usually we just meet up in KL. 

Arief looked totally tembam-er than we first saw him few months ago. 
way chubbier. and friendlier. he smiled and talked to us. well, baby talked.
ayra was interested in his cheeks. so do i!
see this:

who wouldn't ait?

we stayed there, catching up on motherhood, babyhood, fatherhood around 2 hours, then went home..
ayra was tired.
the traffic was not too good.
school holidays in KT is never good okay.

then later on in the evening, where the sun is shy, and the clouds are generous, we decided to play kites by the beach.
now isn't that fun!
sudah lama saya tak main layang-layang.
we went to Pantai Batu Buruk. 
Ayra bought an Octopus kite.
an octopus flying in the sky y'all!
at first we were excited to fly the kite.
well, that was the reason we came remember. 
ayra got to hold the benang, so calm and steady..
then she let go.OMGEEEE..
and all of us ran after the kite.
my BIL managed to grab it but it got stuck on the tree!
FIL was so gigih mengait the kite..
and eventually.. it was saved

now, the kids grew bored of the kites.
ayra had fun time digging up the sands.
Shoe: Pumpkin Patch

she was kindof mesmerized by the texture that she wanted to have a taste. 
well, at this stage, she wanted to put Everything into her mouth!
then the beach looked more appealing it seemed.
 slowly Syahmi went nearer to the water.

and suddenly, we were all in the water.
half wet.
got carried away by the beach!

look at that priceless smile!!!!
how can i not melt?

eventually, it was time to go home...
and being kids, of course they didnt want to
especially Syahmi,
well, Ayra still tak paham sgt the excitement tu..hehehe

Ayra had to pujuk Syahmi untuk balik...

in the car, they got tired and hungry.
breastfeeding time!!!

another new memory for Ayra..
evening at the beach with Mommy, Ayah, Ki, Mak Ngah, Pak Ngah and Syahmi

Mommy loves u Princess!

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