Sunday, August 5, 2012

little friend

Ayra's tooth is coming out and she is sooo cranky. 
She puts everything in her mouth and bites everything that  she can.

 there, you see. she's having a taste of my Maher Zain. oh my..
sian Maher Zain mummy.. sob sob.. 

wish i could show u her little tooth. so cute!! but she refused to open her mouth.

on Friday, we went for break fast in Gombak. MIL and FIL were in KL for a short while. so we decided to join them for break fasting. 

this is Ayra and her 6 months older cousin, Syahmi. He can walk now, and he likes to tease Ayra. whatever that Ayra is holding, he would want it too. kids! 

Ayra can be so clingy whenever i'm around. she likes to be with me all the time. and that is very tiring for me. but when she was with her 'peer', she was actually having fun, despite being bullied by her older cousin. she actually did not mind at all if i was not around!
the feeling of watching your own kid being.. hm.. how should i put it.. i dont think i can leave her for school. i am becoming so over protective. like i want to protect her all the time and in what ever way i can. 
i know it's a natural thing for kids to play around in that kind of manner. believe me, i know. and it is natural for them to be that way. it is their time to be protective of their toys. and they will be like competitive with each other.. but i just cant help it. hehe.
i like that she has friends to play with. thank god for Syahmi. at least he is here for her to be her friend. even though the 'come and play with me' stage is yet to be here. hehe.
it's the 'hey u, that is mine, dont touch it' stage at the moment. 
hahaha. they look so cute though. 
dah la muka lebih kurang.. 

they are discovering things, i know, i know.. 

when we were going home, he kissed Ayra. 

we melted.


  1. Mula2 mmg cenggitu.but lama2 i've decided to let them gado n let izzul have his survival skill.n he did.if anytime his cousin tries to bully him, there he'll go.u main ganas, i will pelangkung u with anything that is in my long as izzul dont start first i'll let him n s long s he didnt cross the limit la.n mummy dont panic like usual anymore bcoz mummy like to jerit 'eiiiii' n 'nooooo'.instead mummy will steadly say dont.anak sape2 pun aku say no if the parents tak take inisiatif....besela tu...we always wang to be over protective.s time goes by u will learn to be a lil calm n let ayra smack down others if necessary.hihi

  2. Hehe..i was waiting for your comment... Tenkiu...
    Hm..ssh tu..yp..akn diusahakan.. Aku kesian tgk..tu yg ssh tu...


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