Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our Raya days in Terengganu

My usual days of raya would consist of TV, eating, and TV again. 
that was before marriage.

Now, it is different.
it consists of visiting, traveling, eating, tv, and baby.

when i was single, raya used to be quite monotonous. unless the family decided they wanted some 'drama melayu di aidilfitri'. which is something i rather not talk about. (it brings bad memories)
what we did was.. went to Gramma's house, main mercun and bunga api, chilling, eating as much as we can, lepaking in front of the tv, wait for someone to come, more tv then got bored. 
then out for Baskin Robbin, eat again, then back to work.
i had no place to go. friends were all in their kampungs. and too bad for me, my kampung is in the city. 
mom's side is in Kedah but we rarely go back. Mom doesn't like the traffic, so end up going back there during non-peak season. and we hate traveling so far.

when i got married, it changed obviously. but married to a person from far far away, that made a HUGE change.

hubby doesnt come from kampung at all. Kuala Terengganu, in the midst of the city itself is no kampung. 
but the trip to KT makes is a balik kampung journey for me. 

i had to travel for long hours in the car. which hurts my butt. and body aches all over.
the hotness of the weather. it is really hot in KT because of it's geographic location near the sea.
it makes me sweaty and sticky.
and no malls. im telling u, there is no malls. except if u call Giant and Mydin malls. i would be so clueless of what to do. yes, i know, so typical city person. 
how can u not have at least a Parkson or Jusco rite??

but, looking at more positive side, i gained a lot of other experiences. 
the long ride in the car made me appreciate God's beautiful creation more. i love the green scenery along the road, the beaches that laid by Him to accompany the trees. the traditional houses along the way, the small stalls that sell keropok lekor, the shortcut hubby showed me if we want to reach kt faster, etc.

and, by not having malls, hubby brought me to different places that have kuih2 sedap, ABC sedap, mee rojak sedap, nasi dagang sedap. well, basically, when you can't shop, you eat and eat and eat!
at night, we would enjoy A&W float at the beach. and talk about those unmarried people couple2 tepi pantai. and how disturbing it is to see those and how worry i am to raise a child in this kind of world. 

and visiting relatives is a must here. kejap rumah sedara tu, kejap rumah sedara ni.
sometimes i can remember their names, most of times, even Hubby doesn't know who they are! now, isn't that funny? LOL

i see that their bond is closer. 
the ukuwah is there.
well, city people have that too, but it's just not the same. 
in the city, it would probably be about what kind of car do they have, what furniture do they buy, or how their deco is done. who is the designer for her baju raya and which collection of handbag is that?
whose make up is more tebal than her, and are you gaining weight??
in outside of the city, yess, you might see the same situation, but to the lesser extent.
it would be more about when are u getting married (if u are single), how is your child, what can my child do now compared to yours, how is the weather, when is the best keropok lekor stall is going to open? who made the kuih raya, who is getting married so we all can go and help. and do eat, eat and eat.

one word from me: tired. 

heheheh. sorry. i am so overwhelmed. thus, tired. 

but it's good u know.. 
i get to experience both worlds.

and now Ayra is...

despite the hot weather, we are trying to enjoy the times here to the max.

"Ayah, go straight and then turn left.. "

riding a bike with ayah... even though it was just around the house compound. (naik motor in a circle, round and round and round).. Ayra was sooo excited! she put both her hands up, as if wanted to carried on the bike!

playing in a pool with little cousin (ayah bought this so they could play)
they were so excited playing in the pool. i was so happy to her so happy splashing around..

Ayra in Mothercare

visiting relatives and attending weddings..and mingle.

Ayra in Mothercare dress and Pumpkin patch shoe. adorable!
visited a relative that has a super duper huge tank of expensive fish.. i think i would be eaten alive if i ever fell into it!

that's it.
these are how we are spending the raya in KT.
tiring but meaningful.

Ayra has grown so much in terms of her relationship with her cousin, aunties, uncle, Tok and Ki. 
She no longer cries when they hold her.
She learns to share even though the other kid wouldnt do the same.
and also that Mommy is always by her side, no matter where she goes. 
 and swimming with a friend is way more fun than doing it alone.

mode: still tired. ;)

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