so it is the new year of 2015.
look at the time.
as if i just gave birth to Amna and suddenly she's One.
2014 was not a good to Malaysia, in general.
to me, 2014 has been.. a mixture of feelings.
basically, reminiscing the year of 2014:
work has been stressful with corporate world that i am not accustomed to,
and all the ups and downs and the blacks and blues.
i had a roller coaster ride in my work life and somehow rather, i think i grew as a person, as a leader.
Allah has His plans ready, and yes, i fell, but i got up and move on and believe in what He has planned. it was difficult, but i did my best in the best way i could and rely only to Him.
alhamdulillah, ending of 2014 did show the fruit of the effort.
but, great titles and salaries and whatnot comes with a great responsibility.
nothing is free ait?
so, as stressful as it may seem, or sound, i just need to do the best with all capabilities i have.
but, Family always comes first.
2014 has been a blessed as He has given me Amna.
my cheecky girl Amna..
i have never spent a night apart from her.
as much as i am tired and cranky from all her clinginess, i still miss her every second.
Ayra has been such a goooood girl.
and a very smart girl too.
i am amazed by what she can do, of the things she say, and how her mind works,.
children is magical.
she is only 3 but she amazes us in lots and lots of ways.
so, with this 2015 in, i need to have some resolutions in hand.
(whether i can accomplish it or not if a different story)
1. Gosh i wish i could say i want to jog every morning, or at tleast once aweek. but, let's be real.
i give myself once a month. (and that seems ambitious too!)
2. to work smart, not only hard. i need to step to my role in my company.
at least, i do the best. there is no try, but do my best.
3. not to miss Dhuha. so far, i only managed to perform Dhuha during weekdays.
need to do it Daily!!!
4. perform more tahajud than before. at least once a week. and to step up to twice.
5. travel over the sea. i need to travel!!!! even doe the scare with airplane and all, i still want to travel. my mind needs to explore other culture. hahaha.
6. i need a bag. new bag. i didnt buy a new bag last year. only a purse.
(no, that does not count as a bag.)
7. to be more patient in dealing with human beings. hahahaahha especially little people, with exploring minds and creativities. (a.k.a my children)

8. to set a good example as a leader. not only to my staffs but my children.
9. to understand quran more. let's make it doable by targetting Surah al-Furqan first shall we? then we'll revisit this resolution again.
10. To rekindle or shall we say, romanticise the bond between me and Hub. having children and work can be tiring and take off our precious moments together. we need to start dating and enjoying each other's company again. ;)
ok, so 10 is enough. that's a big plate on its own.
hopefully i can do these!!!
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