What would my pantang be without jaundice?
Incomplete. It is like a part of the package. my package.
wuhuuu lucky me.
The 2 big sisters had jaundice, so what are the chances this little one has one too?
very very likely.
Not only jaundice, prolong jaundice lagi tu okeh.
So there goes my strict pantang again.
with the check ups and walking and whatnot.
Well, at least I am not totally confined in the room or the house.
One way of being positive about this eh??
Ayra and Amna had prolonged jaundice. Alhamdulillah, they were only breastmilk jaundice, which is harmless. Other likely factors had been ruled out such as, UTI, liver issue, thyroid disease, etc.
Basically, prolonged jaundice is when the jaundice lasts longer than 14 days of life, in term infants.
Prolonged jaundice can be due to factors such as:
- Infection - eg, urinary tract infection.
- Hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism.
- Galactosaemia.
- Breast milk jaundice: the baby is well and the jaundice usually resolves by six weeks but occasionally continues for up to four months.
- Gastrointestinal (GI): biliary atresia, choledochal cyst, neonatal hepatitis
- http://patient.info/doctor/neonatal-jaundice-pro
So, further tests on the baby's blood and urine will be carried out to rule out such causes, and finally we can settle with Breastmilk jaundice, or breastfeeding jaundice.
Those 2 terms are different.
Breastmilk jaundice is due to the content of the mother's milk. Nope, it is not poisonous nor that it will harm your little one. The actual cause is not clearly understood, but theoretically, it contains an element which interferes with the enzyme that changes excess bilirubin in the blood to a form that is to be eliminated from the body. The elements does not stop the enzyme, but slows down the process. eventually, the excess bilirubin will be eliminated from the body, as the baby's liver matures.
So, do not stop breast feeding, despite whatever others are telling you.
Breast feeding jaundice is more likely due to a) poor technique on breast feeding by the baby, meaning latching is not good that the baby is not getting enough milk. or, b) milk production is not sufficient. However, should you exclusively breast feed your child on demand and does not restrict him or her from the boobies, your body will produce enough milk for your baby, as the demand is always there. Important rule in BF: When there is demand, there is supply.
I know breast feeding can be hard. I am with the 3rd child and I still cry when I feel like I fail in Bf.
Each babies has their own ways and means.
With this one, I did stumble on sore and crack nipple. Only Allah knows how painful it was.
I cried a bucket and I have fear for every time she nurses.
But, this is something that I need to do, I have to do. I need to teach her how to latch properly, guide her in every way. eventually she gets it.
Dont underestimate your baby. you will be amazed on how fast they can learn.
Back to the jaundice, Amal's level went up high more than the borderline level.
So doctor prescribed her with phototherapy.
As usual, we rented the UV Phototherapy machine and do it at home.
This is easier for me as we dont have to fork out money to go Private Hospital, or leave our baby in Government Hospital and pump milk and go there daily. (if no bed)
I had traumatic experience in government hospital during Ayra's jaundice time.
HTAR did not have enough bed and I had to sit in front of her. I was about 3-4 days post birth.
Can U imagine my level of tiredness and exhaustion at that time? Moreover it was our first baby.
I am traumatized till now.
Luckily our friend introduced us to this company which provides this cool machine.
It really helps us mothers during this confinement period and to attend to our jaundiced baby.
So, we called this company and the machine was sent on the same day.
We put Amal under the light and covered her eyes with the given eye patch.
I only picked her up when she needed to be fed.
After 2 days, we took her to the clinic to get her bilirubin level checked.
If it drops down significantly, then we can put it off.
You can contact Bluelite at www.bluelite.com.my.
Their price is also affordable comparing to private hospital hospitalization.
for 2016, we had to pay RM485 for 3 days (72 hours)
2 years ago, during Ayra's and Amna's time, it was about RM350 (i guess).
I googled and found another company offering the same service.
Try this: Firefly Home Therapy (http://hometherapyy.com/)
Amal's level went down to the acceptable level but it is still quite haywire.
Going slightly up and down.
Hopefully nothing bad.

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