Raising Young Khalifah was amazing!
i gained tons of knowledge and i am very grateful that i went there.
it was held in Tabung Haji,
waaaaa. i have never been there.
the dewan was so lawaaa ok!
look at the stars!
the change colors!
and i am sooo kodi!
Hub and I went together, so it was really insightful for both of us.
can keep reminding each other cos we are so forgetful lor!!
Jam was there too!
made it so much fun!
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i looked chubby early in the morning |
the seminar started off with a performance by
Sham Kamikaze, Catt Ross and a guy whose name i didnt know.
the seminar was conducted by Amin from AlHijrah.
i like him.
sangat pandai bercakap and charismatic.
i am going to share with u about what i learnt.
sharing is caring right??
among the interesting topics covered are:
Muhammad al Fatih by Ust Syaari.
Pendidikan Islam kepada anak by Pn Hjh Sabariah Faridah
Pembentukan Tauhid dlm anak by Ustazah Badariah
Pembentukan Khalifah by Ust Hasrizal.
the first session was about Muhammad al-Fatih.
it was presented by Ustaz Syaari.
if u do not know about Al-Fatih, please do read on him.
he is the great Muslim warrior who conquered Constantinople at the age of 21.
He ruled the Empire of Islam at the age of 15!!
(i was studying for PMR at that age!)
what the ustaz touched on was how Al-Fatih was brought up by his parents that
made him the success person that he was.
here is what i captured:
- jaga keturunan: teach our kids the history of our family so they have the sense of loving towards the family. know our roots. remember that what u give u will get back. what we to do our parents, our kids will do to us.
- let them grow with vision and jihad: let them literally draw out what is in their minds. Al-Fatih drew what he imagined and he made them into reality. let our kids use their right brains more. it is said that later, the right brainers will rule the future. the right brainers are more imaginative and creative.. so, crayons and paper out! draw!
- before they go to bed, is the time that knowledge is absorbed most. about 80%! that is very high. that is why, before bed, tell them the stories of great islamic warrior and read them the Quran (or play the Quran if u cant read beautifully). for now, i let Ayra listen to Quranic verses. i read to her whenever i put her to bed. if tak semua pun, mana yg hafal je la.. hehe when she is a little bit bigger and she can understand stories, insyaAllah, stories of tokoh-tokoh Islam pula..
- always2 bersangka baik kpd Allah. when 2 of big brothers of Al-Fatih died, his father took it well and groomed al-Fatih to be the next kin. he didnt blame Allah. instead he worked on a solution. mould our kids' adab and akhlak by showing good examples. dont expect your kids to be beradab if u tak beradab.setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
- let your kids learn foreign language. Al fatih learns 7 languages. masters in 4 of them. hm.. nak Ayra blaja ape ek. (mummy pun kena blaja gak)
- take care of what they eat and their physiques. dont let them get fat!!! let them be active. do not worry that your kids cannot duduk diam. let them be. it shows they are bright and smart. attentive.
- let them be independent. kurangkan saying 'no' to them. if they want to climb the bed, let them. if they fall, they will learn. unless of course, nak cross jalan merangkak sorang2 memangla tidak boleh yer..
- let them be friends with the elderly. they can learn much from the elderly and learn to respect.
- teach them literature. sastera. al-Fatih wrote poems when he was growing up. one of the famous great poems that he wrote, that inspired many great people:
To obey, Fight hard for Allah, is my aim and my desire;
'Tis but zeal for Faith, for Islam, that my ardor doth inspire.
Through the grace of Allah, and th' assistance of the Band Unseen,
Is my earnest hope the Infidels to crush with ruin dire.
On the Saints and on the Prophets surely doth my trust repose;
Through the love of God, to triumph and to conquest I aspire.
What if I with soul and gold strive here to wage the Holy War?
Praise is God's! ten thousand sighs for battle in my breast suspire.
O Mohammed! through the chosen Ahmed Mukhtar's glorious aid,
Hope I that my might may triumph over Islam's foes acquire!
Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih, Ottoman Sultan and Conqueror of Istanbul - equip them with martial arts and outdoors activities. Rasulullah s.a.w even suggested for us to learn archery, horse riding and swimming. maka..bukan shj anak.. tp kite pun kena la belajar..
so, in short, itu la dia...
i have more to share but limited time to write.
till next post!
jom beramal!!
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