Remember I told you that the press were at our booth and they snapped many pictures
of us and the booth?
Lil' Tummy appeared in the paper!
We found it out tru my friend, who was that girl next to me in the picture.
This was in Kosmo on last Saturday, 14.5.15.

The article didnt say much on Lil' Tummy. It was more on the event itself, which what it was all about right? But nonetheless, we were thrilled to see our faces, and our product in the news.
can u see Amal's head?
Oh my Amal. you are just 2 months old, and now u r in the paper!
I carried Amal in my 5 year old Baba Luna Sling. It was easier to breastfeed her that way. and less strain on my arms and i get to be mobile. my hands are mobile.
my friend said i so look like a superwoman.
u know, with the mumsprenuer and mommy thingie and all that?
yup, kind of i guess?
any superwoman cannot do it on her own.
a good support system is a must.
in my case, my husband and my mother.
I shared that picture with lots of my friends and family members.
kind of excited you know?
i have another surprise to blog about. only after Friday that I shall talk about it.
Nothing big, but a big deal for us.
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