Monday, September 3, 2012

Letter For My Baby (Part 1)

I decided Ayra (and later perhaps my other children) will need one (or more maybe) coming from deep within my heart..
So here goes

Dear My Darling Baby,

Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

I hope you will read this by the time you can start reading fluently and know how to handle the techy world well..

Ayah and me love u very much.. so so much..  even before you were born. We anticipated your coming to the world with much love and preparation. We wanted to give the only best that a parent could provide even while you were still in the womb..

We have so much hopes and dreams for you, but need not to fear as we do not want to burden you with those worldly matters.. of course, any parent would want their child to strive in this world.. to be a successful person, to be a good person..but please know dear, .that above all, what we want for you most is actually for you to be a Great Muslim and Servant of Allah swt..

We will try to be the best person for you, the best role model for you and to do the best that we can do in raising you in this challenging world. But please know also dear child that we are only human and we make mistakes all the time.. we are no angels nor Muhammad rasul Allah.. For all the bad things that we do/did, please forgive us.. For all the imperfections that we portray, please know that it is not for you to follow… we are trying hard to set the best example for you.. in life, and hereafter..
May Allah gives us the strength to do so, and that Allah will always show us the way.

Allah is the One and only, the Creator, the Force, the Power, and everything that makes you, me and everything in this life. He is here, He is there, He is everywhere. He is the good conscious inside of you, the light that shines through, the one that we obey and give our hearts to. As we say, La Ilaha ILLallah, we firmly believe that there is no other than Allah, no gods but Allah, He is the One and Only for us to serve and obey. Muhammad dur Rasulullah, we believe that Muhhammad s.a.w is our prophet, the one that we follow and love, and that he is Allah’s Messenger for our time.  He is the perfect role model for us, in whatever time that we live in.

As a Muslim, daily prayer is a must. Never leave your prayers on purpose.. unless  of course, you are given MC by Allah.. Other than that, even when you are sick on your death bed, never leave your prayers…   Prayer is the pillar of your belief. It what makes you a Muslim and a believer. Yes, I understand that it may be hard or even insincere at first, but you have to force yourself and later, by Allah’s will, you will do it full heartedly and sincerely. Bury the fear of leaving prayer inside of you.. that life will not be at ease when you don’t perform it.. have that fear in you..When your prayers are taken care of, the rest will be at ease.. insyaallah.. it will make you closer to Allah.. I sure you that.

One of the most looked forward time of the year is Ramadhan.. it is the time for us to be closer to Him and struggle to find His blessings. Restrain your eyes, your tongue, your tummy and thus it will restrain your nafs (desire). Nafs will be king of destruction of your iman. As you grow older, you will be exposed to many types of nafs that human can have. And they are a lot.. be aware of your nafs with the opposite gender. Restrain youself by fasting as fasting can curb your desire. Fasting is not only about experiencing hunger, but it teaches you to be patience, to be grateful, to be modest.

Money is not everything in this life. But it does provide you with a lot of things, especially the good things in life. Money can be sweet and tempting. But it can also be downfall to your life. Money can make you happy and it can make you sad. Be wise in what you choose to do. Never forget your zakat. It not only helps the poor and Islamic economy but it cleanses your wealth and your soul. It will be the blood that flows in your vein, and flesh that makes you and your child. Purify your wealth, purify your health, purify yourself. Do not be afraid to give zakat, do not be afraid of having less than what you had. Remember, the more you give, the more Allah will give you. If you are sick, give sedekah. If you are in trouble, give sedekah. You will see that it helps in attaining a better you.. both spiritually and physically.

Ayah and me have always dreamt of performing Hajj. I have longed to be in Mecca,  to be there in the Holy place. How I wish I can go there and experience the miracle of Mecca. I pray that when our time comes, we can obtain the mabrur hajj like what everybody dreams of. Put away some of your income for your hajj. If you can, do it while you still have your strength and power. Do it while you are still young. . for you never know when you will be called back to him. Time will not wait for us, it will not be kind. 
So baby, honor the time that  you have.

On that note.. I think I better stop here.. this is long enough for you, I'm sure... I decided to write about your responsibility as a Muslim first because this is the most important part of being a human. When you can do all these, insyaallah, the rest will come easily. Allah will guide you…

Loving you dearly with every bits of my heart & soul,

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