Sunday, September 2, 2012

Quickie Girlie Raya

the BFF came to my crib today for raya.

we havent met for quite some time. usually we would have an iftar together during Ramadhan, but last month was kind of full and busy that we didn't get to see each other as planned. *sigh*

i was planning to prepare something last night' but the tiredness got the best of me and i fell asleep at 9pm.
well, that was my sleeping time anyway. (so not a night person)

so, when we woke up today, i had no clue of what to make. luckily Simaa was bringing sambal sotong for nasi lemak. so i had to cook nasi lemak. the nasi only. not that difficult so it was ok. She came with sambal sotong, rendang and ikan bilis. how convenient for me as the host, yeah! ;)
Azza on the other hand was supposed to bring boiled eggs and timun. but she came late so we ate the nasi lemak without the egg and timun. ( we couldnt wait for her anymore because i got hungry.)

when the 3 of us met, it would be kind of difficult to stop talking and depart. but time did not permit us to proceed further. we had to say goodbye within a short period of time.
we only got to hang out for few 3-4 hours. i wish it could be longer. 

i really miss hanging out just us girls. like the old times.
not only the 3 of us, but with Faiezah and Dina too. 

missing them..

i am very proud of our friendship..
we've know each other for about 15 years.
for me, they are the best of friends, now and then.
we have grown so much and we grow with each other.
Alhamdulillah we managed to still be with each other despite the distance and time.

they are more like a sister i never had. 
i am so blessed.

they are someone who would always be there and more importantly the ones to keep me sane. 
with all the ups and downs that happened, they were the line that pulls me back in a piece.

true friends, indeed they are.
and i always wish good things for them and always proud of them.


  1. Nasi lemak without eggs? Tibai je la dah lapar punya pasal haha

  2. azza peknen ke? sehat je nampak :)

  3. sape anon ni?cis...mmg saya sehat punnnnnn.xyah preknen pun sihat encek or puan anon,saya peknen.tu yg lg sehat.

  4. wahh azza sentap... masuk no 2 dah ko eh.. jangan sentap nanti menurun kat anak.... :D

  5. Hye..salam..
    Azza x sentap la..cuba bc dgn nada biasa..mst jd x sentap.. Xpe2 biasala bile menaip ni xde intonasi..erm.. Yg ni sape ek..


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