My back hurts.

sob sob
I fell down right on my butt when I was pregnant with Amal..which was about 5 or 6 months pregnant I think. at that time. OMG it hurt so much but I couldnt do anything much about it.

sob sob
I fell down right on my butt when I was pregnant with Amal..which was about 5 or 6 months pregnant I think. at that time. OMG it hurt so much but I couldnt do anything much about it.
I just had to bare with the pain or took PCM at most.
It hurt so bad that sometimes I cried wanting to sleep.
I could not find the best position for my own body.
I could not find the best position for my own body.
I always thought it was the baby being big and all, and that pregnancy backache
was hitting its role.
was hitting its role.
really guys, it was really bad.
Every turn was painful!
Come confinement, it turned out ok. finally! I thought.
fast forward 4-5 months after, the pain came again.
and this time, it brought along numbness and tingling of the right leg.
and at that time I was like, why do I feel so old.
i cannot stand or walk too long.
even cooking wearies me down.
and Amal is growing up too fast, a kilo per month, and that leaves me even in more pain.
(but Alhamdulillah she is healthy and active)
am I aging that fast already???
again, I thought it was just part of the parcel of growing up. coz, well, I am 32.
I googled about the symptoms. (cause that's what we patients do nowadays)
it mentioned something to do with the spine.
I didnt do anything much bout it and just hoped it went away.
Until one day, I couldnt take it anymore, that I asked Hub to take me to see an ortho surgeon, specialing in spine. I had to undergo an MRI to see or confirm the spine etc.
and yup, the result came back, with involvement of the spine. but lucky me, it wasnt thatttt bad.
(but sure hurt like hell)
the fluid in one of the lumbar was empty, which was at L5. and it could have happened when I fell down that one fine day. the other discs were thankfully was ok so it will not involve surgery whatever.
But really, knowing the cause was not going to make the pain go away.
I cannot take pain meds all the time. come on I love my kidney.
moreover, I am allergic to common NSAIDS and stronger pain meds are not suitable for breastfeeding.
doctor suggested that I undergo a minimally invasive procedure that can relieve the symptoms
and take off the pain. If only I cannot function well.
and take off the pain. If only I cannot function well.
after about 2 months of trying to suck it in and move on with my life, I went to another doctor and agreed to undergo that procedure. This doctor is the best in carrying out the procedure. He has done it so many times.
When it comes to the spine and what it could do, I really need only the best to do it.
So now I am home. It was done last week and my legs hurt much less.
It could not give 100% cure definitely. but any improvement was an Alhamdulillah for me.
but it wasn't very long hahaha
supposedly I cannot do much work. well, isn't that a dream right for every mom!
i just hope i can stand longer, walk longer.
i need to try yoga!
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